This is The Way: How The Mandalorian Should Have Ended (Season One) [Video]
How The Mandalorian (S#1) should have ended according to the folks over at HISHE. This is the way… or is it? [Hishe]
How The Mandalorian (S#1) should have ended according to the folks over at HISHE. This is the way… or is it? [Hishe]
[Source: @sveninframes]
[Source: Swords Comics]
[Via Reddit]
[Source: War and Peas Comics | Like “War and Peas Comics” on Facebook | Follow “War and Peas Comics” on Twitter]
[Source: @_workchronicles] Death, destruction, pestilence, fear, collapse, disaster. Maybe the 2021 edition will be an improvement. Star Wars fans are always hoping for something better to come. This analogy is brought to you by Supercuts Delight. [via Digg]
[Source: @lowercasecomics]
[Via MyDND]
[Source: @roryblank]