Swab the brain for best results [Comic]
[Source: @cheddarbaconstudios]
[Source: @cheddarbaconstudios]
[Source: @townytowncomics]
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
Good morning, geeks! Hope you’ll all be having a geektastic day! [Source: Dogmo Comics | Dogmo Comics on Facebook | Dogmo Comics on Instagram | Dogmo Comics on Twitter]
[Source: @townytowncomics]
[Source: @zipfreemancomics]
Going afk and dancing in an NPC’s personal space could be kind of… awkward for a self aware NPC. [VLDL]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook | Follow “Things in Squares” on Twitter]
[Source: @berkeleymews]