Jack Black’s Recreation of Thor: Ragnarok’s “Immigrant Song” Scene is Better Than The Original [Video]

I know, I’m taking a strong position here, but comedy-wise, it’s definitely much stronger. This is a great moment for Internet comedy that will mark future generations for all time. My girlfriend somewhat disagrees, but hey, I stick by my guns. Watch below! ⚡️ New God of Thunder ⚡️📹 @taylorstphens pic.twitter.com/35adBnzIUJ — Jack Black (@jackblack) […]

Endearing Cadillac Super Bowl Ad Features Edward Scissorhands’ Son [Video]

An endearing and amusing 2021 Superbowl ad for Cadillac’s new all-electric LYRIQ crossover (which is absolutely stunning by the way!) featuring Timothée Chalamet as Edward Scissorhands’ son and Winona Ryder as Kim Boggs. What a perfect, nostalgic ode to one of Tim Burton’s most memorable classics. Watch below! https://youtu.be/0KAlqthD6Gc [Via Screen Rant]