Three Sheep in a Trenchcoat [Comic]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
[Source: @blanche.draw]
[Source: @scribbly_g]
[Source: @RyanRdss]
For those who did not know, one of the legends associated with St. Patrick is that the saint banished the snakes from Ireland. The absence of snakes in Ireland has been noted from as early as the third century by Gaius Julius Solinus, but later legend has attributed the banishment of all reptiles from the […]
What if Jim Carrey would have starred in Marvel’s “The Avengers” as Loki instead of Tom Hiddleston? A deepfake video by Youtuber Jarkan. [Jarkan]
Do you like TV shows? How about a TV show about TV shows, featuring characters that watch a TV show while inside a TV show. It’s the honest trailer for Marvel’s WandaVision! [Screen Junkies]
[Source: They Can Talk | Like “They Can Talk” on Facebook]
Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) Be the first in your neighborhood to have this super hi-tech horse sound generation device based on the actual horses featured in Monty Python and the […]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]