Robot Chicken Refuses to Die: 20th Anniversary Special Announced!

Robot Chicken 20th Anniversary Special

Adult Swim, Robot Chicken 20th Anniversary Special It’s been 20 years since Robot Chicken first crash-landed on Adult Swim, forever ruining childhood icons in the best way possible. Now, the Emmy-winning stop-motion fever dream is coming back next summer with a 20th anniversary special, because apparently (and fortunately), 11 seasons of plastic carnage just wasn’t […]

Honest Trailers Revisits Harry Potter’s First Movie—And It’s Pure Magic

Harry Potter

Grab your wands and prepare for nostalgia—Honest Trailers is here to remind us that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was somehow both magical and completely unhinged. Watch as tiny, expressionless Harry stumbles into a world where child safety laws don’t exist, Ron realizes he’s latched onto a very profitable friendship, and Hermione carries the […]

Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass (Historical Meaning + Comic)

Feeling down about your art? A good friend, or in the case of the comic below, a parent, will hype you up… and occasionally drop some very weird historical facts while they’re at it. Case in point: the phrase “blowing smoke up your ass.” Today, it means flattering someone insincerely—but in the 1700s, doctors actually […]