The ’80s [Comic]
[Source: @sorrowbacon]
[Source: @sorrowbacon]
When the game protagonist just says nothing… [VLDL]
Roger Horton returns for the first time since 2017 to explain why recycling plastic is pretty much pointless and, even worse, is basically just one big scam. [Cracked]
[Source: @digriz_comics]
[Source: @athirdthing]
Man! Man! Man! [GrayWalf]
[Source: @mildnihilist]
A story by reddit user goatwomble how how, while working as tech support, he ended up deleting a website owned by a “Karen” after she requested it in frustration A $10 a month hosting plan can only pay for so much… [Via MC]
[Source: @mildnihilist]
From Screen Rant: Since his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe more than a decade ago in 2011’s Thor, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki has stood out as a super charismatic villain in a sea of less-than-charismatic Marvel villains. Subsequently appearing in several Marvel movies and surviving multiple on-screen deaths, Loki is now the star of […]