Street Fighter Characters Portrayed as Human Beings by an AI [Gallery]

Twitter user @Siberian_644 used a Google AI to generate photorealistic portrait of Street Fighter characters, and I have to say, while some of them look kind of good, others are just plain hilarious. Check ’em all out below! Zangief Rainbow Mika Guile Blanka Chun-Li Balrog Ken Ryu M. Bison Sagat Kage Vega Gill Poison

Loki Transforms Into a Snake – A Short Story From Thor: Ragnarok

Text from the full scene: Bruce Banner: “Quick FYI – I was talking to him a few minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us.” Valkyrie: “He did try to kill me.” Thor: “Yes me too. On many, many occasions. This one time when we were children he transformed himself into […]