Best Vest [Comic]
[Source: @sorrowbacon]
[Source: @sorrowbacon]
A short film about sports and bowling by director Sam H. Buchanan. [Sam H. Buchanan | Via BIS]
[Source: @waynegio]
[Source: @psychosuzanne]
After the total destruction of Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren joins the drive to recruit a new batch of Stormtroopers. Adam Driver’s voice was synthesized using an AI model trained on his speech patterns. While the voice may be computer generated, the script is written by something vaguely resembling a human. [Speaking of AI]
[Source: @ineedfloofyhugs]
From the company that knows you like Star Wars, so they put a little Star Wars on the Star Wars hub, so you can watch Star Wars before the next Star Wars comes out, it’s the honest trailer for Star Wars: Vision! [Screen Junkies]
[Source: u/Lunalopex]
[Source: @iammesutkaya]
Watch as John Cene, in the role of Peacemaker, gets mocked for his ridiculous costume and pet eagle, in this short clip from the upcoming Peacemaker series. He’s got the looks, the car, and the best sidekick ever — all in the name of peace. An exclusive clip from Peacemaker. Coming this January to HBO […]