Nothing in Common [Comic]
[Source: @cooperlitcomics]
[Source: @cooperlitcomics]
[Source: @simonsaidcomics]
[Source: Pun-It Square]
[Source: @bonusctx]
Check out this amusing and rather surreal series of 80s style retro ads produced by Maximum Effort, Ryan Reynolds’ own personal film production company, for Jimmy Kimmel’s show. After watching the ads, you might think they’re just satire, but they’re not! They’re actually real marketing spots for companies such as Kraft Singles, Kool-Aid, Kraft Singles, […]
Gotta love video game logic. If this were the real world, we would clearly do the opposite. But in gaming, DON’T GO THIS WAY usually means good loot, killer enemies, and an advancement of the narrative. But you do this in real life, it would not end as well. (imgur)
[Source: @lvl2frog on Imgur]
[Source: @amii.illustrates]
Watch as The Merkins bring us back to the 80s with “Chop Up the Camp,” a funny parody of Technotronic’s Pump Up The Jam featuring Jason Voorhees and his mom, Pamela Voorhees. [The Merkins]
@ADHDinos is a wonderful new comic I recently stumbled upon on Reddit which takes a look at various dinosaurs having issues with their attention. Here’s one of the most recent strips called “Problematic.” [Source: @ADHDinos]