Cold Brew [Comic]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
Battlefield medics don’t have to know anything except how to save lives… [Goat-on-a-Stick]
[Source: Chipmunk Bay | Like Chipmunk Bay on Facebook]
[Source: @wheatcomics]
[Via MyDND]
The story of the laziest NPC ever created and his quest to save the children. [VLDL]
Yep, half of all people who ever lived. From Macleans: The general consensus of demographers is that about 108 billion human beings have ever lived, and that mosquito-borne diseases have killed close to half—52 billion people, the majority of them young children. [Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: @idiotoftheeast]
[Source: CustardFist Comics | @custardfist on Instagram]