“Smart But Lazy” [Comic]
[Source: @butajape]
[Source: @butajape]
[Source: @last_place_comics]
Watch as Ryan Reynolds mixes a batch of “Mother’s Ruin Punch” with his annoying mom for mother’s day. Naturally, he uses Aviation gin to do so. Ryan is probably the only person on this planet that has the power to willingly make me watch an ad. Yep, he’s that good. Want the recipe? Here is […]
[Source: @RyanRdss]
[Source: @danbydraws]
[Source: @last_place_comics]
Watch as Robert Rodriguez starts rocking out with grogu after giving him a guitar of his own! Back in 2020, Grogu was simply vibing along, but now he’s playing! Watch: Grogu ROCKS #MayThe4th! Check out more behind the scenes on Disney Gallery – The Book of Boba Fett on DISNEY+ pic.twitter.com/Rb9LMtNA4h — Robert Rodriguez (@Rodriguez) […]
[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
https://youtu.be/njO8mmr2MoQ [Source: Respawn Webcomic]
[Source: @theunderfold]