Name the Movie! [Comic]
Name the movie! [Source: @GlassShine]
Name the movie! [Source: @GlassShine]
For those who don’t get it, the comic refers to the trolley problem. [Source: @danbydraws]
It’s true. Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, just unveiled his autobiography that you can actually pre-order right now! Nope, not a joke. Not the New York Times calls it “One of the best avengers’ autobiographies of this multiverse.” Behold: This is the incredible story of an ex-con turned world-saving Super Hero. In Look Out for the […]
[Source: @martin_rosner]
[Source: @andybabbitz]
[Source: u/BasementBeast]
[Source: @davecontra]
For the Emperor! [Source: @IdiotoftheEast]
[Source: u/BasementBeast]
[Source: @biggbirb]