Butthurt [Comic]
[Source: @gryzlock_comics]
[Source: @gryzlock_comics]
[Source: Toonhole | Like Toonhole on Facebook | Follow Toonhole on Twitter]
[Source: CartographerM on Imgur | Via GG]
[Source: @gryzlock_comics]
[Source: @michaeljcomics]
[Source: @biggbirb]
From Auralnauts: You think you know Star Trek TNG?! Well the trailers for season 3 of Picard certainly think you think that, which is why they don’t want you to think you think you know what’s going to happen, because otherwise you might not watch it. We’ve got ourselves a real Corbomite Maneuver on our […]
[Source: @asliceofalan]
[Source: @deliberatelyburied]
10 awesome drum intros performed on a bucket by a horseman in a bathtub. [Buckets the Drummer]