Captcha [Comic]
[Source: @rdstonowhere]
[Source: @rdstonowhere]
[Source: @Sayheysimon]
[Source: @litterboxcomics]
As the shimmering light faded away, John Smith looked about the cold, sterile room he now occupied. Then he pinched himself, and since it hurt quite a bit he felt confident this wasn’t a dream. “Greetings, Earthling.” said a creature that looked like a house plant made of tentacles.
[Source: @eirinnske_comics]
Somehow, psychic powers in movies in tv series always seem to give you a little nosebleed. A comedy sketch by the always amusing Ryan George. [Ryan George]
[Source: @asliceofalan]
[Source: @afterdeathcomics]
A funny comedy sketch by Alasdair Beckett-King poking fun at typical science fiction movie clichés from the 1950s. [Alasdair Beckett-King]
Today is Star Wars day, so what better day to present to you the best Robot Chicken has to offer with these funny Star Wars comedy sketches! [Adult Swim]