The Awkward Rap – A tribute to life’s most uncomfortable moments
A hip-hop tribute to life’s most uncomfortable moments, nerdcore-style Beastie Boys-style. Enjoy!
A hip-hop tribute to life’s most uncomfortable moments, nerdcore-style Beastie Boys-style. Enjoy!
We all have to admit it, this year’s Olympic opening ceremony was of epic proportions… but there was only one thing that wasn’t so epic. Right at the moment when Chinese gymnast Li Ning was flying to light up the giant Olympic torch, someone took this picture. And if you think that this was Photoshopped, […]
In order to prevent military personal from blundering at important press conferences, the United States Pentagon has developed a new robotic spokesdrone that can effectively and rapidly neutralize reporters’ questions when needed. The following video has all the details.
Everything you need to know about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, nercore-style. Enjoy!
By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] Normally my eyes would totally pass by this story as the debate has been going on for ages but the acronym is worth a post in itself. Just as the US airlines are preparing to let people finally use cellphones on planes, Congress is preparing to be the usual […]
Just when you thought you’d seen it all, British scientists have come up with “Anton,” the animatronic tongue. This squirming creation was designed to help better understand how the human tongue works and thus improve speech recognition software. See for yourself: I feel it’s necessary to quote the following line from New Scientist Magazine: “The […]
Ever wondered what fonts would look like if they were presented as real human beings? The following CollegeHumor video will show you just that. Funny stuff.
By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] This blog post by David Risley kind of hit a raw nerve today because it is a problem that all bloggers face sooner or later. Blogging is a sedentary occupation. I personally sit in my chair for 12 hours or more, 6 days a week. Yes, I have breaks […]
We at [GAS] cater to the geek within us all — but have you ever wondered just how geeky you really are? What would be some warning encouraging signs of geekiness? With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy and all of the people who’ve attempted this before… You might be a geek if… Your vanity license plate is an […]