Einstein the Parrot Talking and Squawking TED2006
The whimsical wrap-up of TED2006 — presented by Einstein, the African grey parrot, and her trainer, Stephanie White — simply tickles. Watch for the moment when Einstein has a moment with Al Gore.
The whimsical wrap-up of TED2006 — presented by Einstein, the African grey parrot, and her trainer, Stephanie White — simply tickles. Watch for the moment when Einstein has a moment with Al Gore.
It seems that good service is something of a rarity in the world of IT support. I’ve met my share of IT people, and I do have to admit that yes, there are a lot of support experts that do emanate an air of pompous superiority. Unfortunately, one of the pleasures of those people is […]
While I thought the first ad was really disappointing, this one is pretty hilarious, even though once again, apparently pointless. But wasn’t Jerry’s original show supposed to be based around this kind of stuff, meaning nothing? I guess that the message behind the ad must be about how Microsoft is a people company, and that […]
Yes folks, the guys from EepyBird are back with a whole new experiment, but this time, they’re not using Diet Coke and Mentos to amaze their audience. I won’t spoil the surprise and let you watch the show. Enjoy!
If I were you, I’d never use this service. You just might not like what it makes you discover.
We all know that crop circles come from aliens right? Some people seem to think that the mysterious patterns are created by smart-ass humans… but come on, this can’t be true! Don’t believe us? Here’s the proof: Ok, jokes aside, this small segment was actually filmed as part of an ad for the Belgian State […]
Produced as a graduation project by several students from the “Gobelins” French animation school, Oktapodi is a short computer animated film featuring two young octopus lovers fighting to escape from the hands of a brutal deliveryman. Video after the jump.
If you’ve been searching for a good domain name for a new site, but are getting depressed because you think all the best ones are already taken, listen to the following video. The fact is, there are still plenty of great domain names laying around, you just have to be a little imaginative. [Via Self […]
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