Office Camouflage 101
Yeah, we know, the video is in Russian, but fortunately, you don’t really need to understand anything being said to enjoy these people’s camouflage techniques! [Via Gizmodo]
Yeah, we know, the video is in Russian, but fortunately, you don’t really need to understand anything being said to enjoy these people’s camouflage techniques! [Via Gizmodo]
Don’t want to use Google’s services anymore? Then there’s only one thing left for you to do my friends: Move to Google’s brand new opt out village. Check it out:
Anyone who has ever got stuck in the traffic for several hours during a hot summer day will definitely relate to this guy. Warning: video contains strong language.
Yes, you read that headline correctly, no need to rub your eyes. The following video features 3 bikini babes reading some parts of the Star Wars script for your, *ahem*, viewing enjoyment. Hey, It’s Star Wars… it’s bikini-clad girls… so uuuh, it has to be awesome… right? :) If this isn’t enough for you, there’s […]
[Via Alana Taylor]
Many people, well, geeks, are participating in a Twitter meme where lyrics to well-known songs are rendered in computer code. If you don’t get it: songsincode tries to display either a title of a song or part of its lyrics (as some songs are more known by the refrain than their title – for example […]
Are you among the many whose lives have been ruined by a never-ending torrent of tweets, friend requests and Internet quizzes? If so, then what are you waiting for? Join the Social Media Addicts Association today!
We think every IT / helpdesk department should have this warning sign displayed at its entrance so that users think twice before placing useless support calls. Edit: A downloadable version of the picture is avalable here (red.) [Via Digg]
Yes folks, today’s teenagers are probably going to be those parents in 30 years. Oh well, I guess this could be pretty cool, depending on which side of the fence you’re standing: L33t or Noob. [Via Joystiq]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Sometimes I’m just so happy that the Internet exists. This video is one of the reasons why.