Amazon’s suggestion system reveals surprising truth about coders [PIC]
[Via Reddit]
[Via Reddit]
Sure, he’ll save Hyrule… eventually!
What? No heavily pixelated nude scenes? How disappointing!
Based on the original Ninja Assassin trailer, this lego remake is, shall we say, nothing short of awesome.
In the following mock behind-the-scenes look at the making of a NASA educational video, Felicia Day explains some of the science behind galactic “collisions,” including the upcoming collision between the Andromeda galaxy and our own. [Via]
Filmed just a few days ago at Biola University in honor of this year’s Halloween, this specially prepared math lecture was presented by Professor Matthew Weathers to his class; judging by the reactions, the students were highly delighted. [Via Neatorama]
Episode IV would probably have ended quite differently if Google would have existed in the Star Wars universe. [Flickr (CC) ]
[Via Imgur]
It’s nearly time for Halloween, which means the flickering lights of jack ‘o lanterns on doorsteps. Here’s what wikipedia says about jack ‘o lanterns: In a jack-o’-lantern, typically the top is cut off, and the inside flesh then scooped out; an image, usually a monstrous face, is carved onto the outside surface, and the lid […]
Right after posting the picture of twins wearing CTRL-C, CTRL-V shirts, Geeks are Sexy reader and Geekdad writer Dave Banks pointed us to a similar shot he took of his adorable twin daughters via our Facebook fan page. Check it out: Thanks Dave! [Picture Source: Flickr]