Robin Williams… The Gamer?
In the following video, Robin Williams talks about his addiction to gaming and how he named some of his children after video game characters.
In the following video, Robin Williams talks about his addiction to gaming and how he named some of his children after video game characters.
For computer geeks, the Windows versus Apple war has been going on for many, many years, but who knew that photo geeks were also engaged in an epic battle between Canon and Nikon? [Via Gizmodo]
Even though it seems like a great idea, putting a live twitter stream on a giant electronic billboard is just something that could put some people into really deep trouble, as shown by the picture below. [Via Buzzfeed]
Yes folks, the next chapter in the Star Wars saga has finally arrived, and it looks awesome! [Via BuzzFeed]
Yup, that about sums it up. [Via Digg]
All Hail the Techno Chicken!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means that – for those of you in America anyway – many of you will be having the great joy of (or coping with, depending on how you feel about them) having some quality family time. And the family that geeks out together stays together… so here’s a few examples of […]
In the following video, science comedian Brian Malow jokes that a virus is “the ultimate David and Goliath” when compared with humans. He then rattles off a series of hilarious science-related jokes. Enjoy! [Via BoingBoing]
Keep getting invites to LinkedIn? Here’s the hard truth about the so-called social job network!
Google is not only the name of a major search engine (among lots of other things), but apparently, it’s also a brand of Vietnamese toilet paper. According to Google translate, the text on the packaging says: “Very long, soft, smooth. Of high vacuum, because you always!” Thanks Korben!