Top 100 Youtube Hits of All Time
How many can you recognize?
How many can you recognize?
[Via Reddit | Flickr 1 – 2 (CC)]
A few weeks ago, I told you guys our site would be featured for our teapot blowing article on a major British show. Well folks, the show aired yesterday, but I was kind of disappointed by the exposure the blog got. It looks like they saved the html file of the article locally, removed the […]
In the following video, Superman decides to come out of the “closet” and confess his dual identity to Lois Lane. Unfortunately, she doesn’t make the connection and instead thinks Clark is coming out of a different closet. [Via Gizmodo]
From Kayla Kromer, creator of the famed Hamburger Bed, comes a must-have bed for Star Wars fans: The Millennium Falcon. Like the “real” Falcon, the bed features hidden compartments (for smuggling, though I didn’t think I’d have to smuggle myself in them) working headlights, and a radar dish pillow (try not to knock it off […]
There’s really no age to love the muppets! Enjoy everyone!
Much like the “Darth Vader Being a Smart Ass” video, the following clip features Luke Skywalker exposing some of his OCD tendencies. Enjoy!
…and by saying that this is an iPhone killer, I’m clearly making an understatement. Check out the promo video below, you’ll understand why what I mean right away. [Via Gizmodo]
Some rather surprising revelations about what the Internet truly is: Did you know that the Internet is just a bunch of fax machines expressing the thoughts of someone who lived 8,000 years ago? [Via BuzzFeed]
By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GaS] Share Unfortunately, though the world might be getting more and more geek friendly by the minute, being a geek girl is still difficult. So I’m appealing to you, Geeks Are Sexy readers, to consider a few things when approaching us in the, um, wild. I’m drawing on real experience […]