How to Become a Computer Expert
[Source: XKCD | Via MUO]
[Source: XKCD | Via MUO]
As Christmas day has just passed, let us present you with our obligatory “kid going crazy over a new console” video of the year. And just in case you want more, you can always check last year’s videos, which in my opinion, were slightly more entertaining than this one! [Via Gizmodo]
Oh Oh Oh! [Via SlashFilm]
A little Christmas silliness for sci-fi geeks! Please note, some regional restrictions may apply to this video.
What happens when an unbelievable offer of $10000 risk free money is actually genuine?
An awesome promotional clip for Something Something Something Darkside, Seth Macfarlane’s upcoming hour-long family guy episode, which was released on DVD just today! The Empire: Our ships are big triangles!
Yes, it really is that time of year again. For many of us the season means withdrawal: less game time, less computer time, less iPod time. And even though it’s getting harder and harder to get disconnected from the virtual world, still, geek-less living can be hard on any of us. So why not Geekify […]
Some interesting facts about Chuck Norris: When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live. Outer […]
This thing is destined to go viral, it’s inevitable! It currently sits with 17,000 views on Youtube, but if you check back in 48 hours, I’m pretty sure it’ll have over a hundred thousand. Oh, and while being on the subject of cats, we’ve got one more cat video for all you cat-loving geeks out […]
[Via Digg]