Best Fails of 2009
Is anyone else here slightly disturbed by the fact that almost everybody on the Internet now uses “fail” as a noun? [Via BuzzFeed]
Is anyone else here slightly disturbed by the fact that almost everybody on the Internet now uses “fail” as a noun? [Via BuzzFeed]
[Via MUO]
I saw this video this morning, posted by a few people on Facebook. I had to share. This one goes out to the Summoner, the Miller, the Wife of Bath, and the Monk. There are dozen of reasons to love Chaucer (hilarious stories, sexual innuendo, and fart jokes notwithstanding) but who knew the General Prologue […]
A very well done and highly entertaining Team Fortress II machinima by Laurie Johnson. The laughing in the background is a bit annoying, but otherwise, this is absolutely brilliant. Enjoy!
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since 1977, but I suppose you’d call me a casual fan. Until this morning, I had no idea there was a character named Jek Porkins. Who? In the most critical sequence of one of the most popular movies of all time, George Lucas cast William Hootkins, a portly, bearded […]
So it was just a silly little poll at, asking the question: Who is the gay/bisexual man of the decade? But it has exploded into a run-off of epic proportions with two geek favorites at the forefront and celebrities lining up to take sides. Vying for the title are Neil Patrick Harris (who among […]
Yes, I know, this is probably older than the Internet itself, but since I’m suffering from a bout of nostalgia this morning, I decided to post it anyways. Enjoy! Warning: Video contains strong language.
Pocahontas, Dances With Wolves, The Last Samurai, FernGully… the story’s been done a million times, but who cares? It’s a good one, and in this case, it’s all about the eye candy, right? [Via Reddit]
While navigating the galaxy with a longtime companion, the captain of a small cargo ship encounters some unexpected space turbulence and must get himself and his friend to safety.