iGotaBigAssPocket: iPad-Ready Pants
The iPad is a game changer, and just because of this, you’ll need a new pair of pants… with a big ass pocket. Behold the latest in hipster fashion: the iGotaBigAssPocket pants! [Via Buzzfeed]
The iPad is a game changer, and just because of this, you’ll need a new pair of pants… with a big ass pocket. Behold the latest in hipster fashion: the iGotaBigAssPocket pants! [Via Buzzfeed]
The team of scientists says the $19 million dollar mission will put them in direct contact with a woman by 2018. Warning: Video contains slightly inappropriate language.
I don’t know what it is with Google products, but as soon as the company releases something new, it always takes less than 24 hours before people start releasing spoofs about said products on the web. The following one makes fun of Google Buzz, which we quite like by the way!
He’s about ten feet tall and breathes fire. Nick and Anna Berte of Bel Air, Maryland built a giant snowman and rigged it with a flamethrower inside! And what did you do while you were stuck at home during the blizzard?
Produced by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal, a North Carolina-based comedy duo, T-Shirt Wars is a stop-motion video featuring our two friends and the epic battle between shirts of various colors and designs. Check it out: [Via Laughing Squid]
Ever wonder who would win in a battle between a Jedi Knight and Frodo Baggins? Step into the Ultradome and see if a hobbit can overcome some Jedi mind tricks.
As Tiger Woods recovers from a car accident and contends with reports of philandering, Slate V imagines what the golfing great might be typing into that familiar white search bar (with apologies to Google’s new ad campaign). [Via TechEblog]
I thought for a minute that were approaching infinite recursion. Now everyone will want to try a live webcast just so they can do this and try handling it better. [via b3ta]
Warning: Video contains strong language. I never realized this until now, but it looks like Mario is cheating on Princess Peach in this game… unless these two have an open relationship… who knows?
It’s been quite some time since Sonic’s heydays in the 90’s when Sega unleashed him to rival Nintendo’s Mario. Since then, the Italian plumber has continued to prosper while the blue hedgehog’s star has petered out miserably. The two icons recently ran into each other in an exceedingly uncomfortable setting: Thanks Ziad!