The Battle! [PIC]
Always wondered what the other half was? Now you know! [Via Nerduo]
Always wondered what the other half was? Now you know! [Via Nerduo]
A short story about a forgotten era: [Via Buzzfeed]
You try and come up with a better headline. My first thought is that this looks like something out of a Futurama episode. The only way it would be any cooler is if they had used the cast of Star Trek as heads. (via Neatorama)
[Via MUO]
[Via TDW]
In order to emphasize the point that no laptops were allowed into his class, Kieran Mullen, a physics professor from the University of Oklahoma, dipped a portable in liquid nitrogen right before smashing it on the floor. If any of you have similar crazy anecdotes about some of your past or present professors, we’d love […]
A hilarious prank by American comedian Tom Mabe. Enjoy!
Computer experts are warning that a dangerous new cyber-worm that works late at night could cost consumers billions of dollars. Apparently, individuals with upcoming bachelor parties or afterwork get-togethers are especially vulnerable to this online threat.
A portrait of the Na’vi people of Hometree Wisconsin.
You might recall the We Love xkcd version of the Discovery Channel’s I Love the World “boom de yada” song released just last week. Turns out it wasn’t the only spoof of the catchy tune that made its way to YouTube in recent days! This isn’t the first machinima (or even WoW) version I’ve seen, […]