Girls are REALLY bad at sound effects [Videos]
In fact, they’re so bad, that they can turn any average movie into an hilariously awesome experience. Part I Part II
In fact, they’re so bad, that they can turn any average movie into an hilariously awesome experience. Part I Part II
Warning, after listening to this, you will have it stuck in your head for the rest of the day! [Via Geekologie]
Hey boys and girls! For those of you with Trekkie significant others, here’s something you can consider adding to their lunchboxes for quite a lunchtime surprise: The USS Meaterprise! The USS Meaterprise: To boldly go where no meat has gone before. Er… that sounded kind of… wrong… somehow… [Via Walyou]
A few days ago, Redditor Tax_Ninja submitted this picture to Reddit along with this note: My kid designed his own scientist costume for career day (including the “to do list”). I feel like I’ve succeeded as a parent. All we can say is: Indeed! Good job Tax_Ninja! [Via Reddit]
This is hilarious! Watch as fictional Crayola CEO Michelle Perry thanks protesters for making Crayola-brand markers the most used tools for creating protest signs. Edit: Closing the comments section on this post. I just posted this as most people thought it was funny. Obviously, it was a bad idea.
Another amazing cartoon by Tom Oatmeal. Enjoy! [Via Theoatmeal]
Many of you probably would never have heard of the World War II film Downfall if it weren’t for the slew of hilarious parodies that popped up in the past couple of years. They all use the same clip: a scene in the film where Hilter goes on a furious tirade upon realizing that the […]
Hey everyone! My friend Alex over at Neatorama has recently re-opened his site’s online shop, and to celebrate the occasion, he offered me two free $50 gift certificates to distribute among you guys. In case you’ve never heard of the site, Neatorama is one of the top 100 most visited blogs on the Intertubes, and […]
I’m not exactly sure if this is a shopped job or not, but this French lord vader condom envelope, translated word for word to “I will not be your father!”, is so full of win, it makes the geek in me feel like squealing in glee!
A hilariously good mashup mixing footage from Star Wars episode IV with some audio from Earl Jones’ performance in “Coming to America”. Check it out: [Via Rustylime]