The Fastest and Funniest LEGO Star Wars Story Ever Told
Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI, as told in a little over two minutes by a kid with one of a heck of a LEGO collection. [Via MissC]
Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI, as told in a little over two minutes by a kid with one of a heck of a LEGO collection. [Via MissC]
I never felt like I really needed a GPS before… but after hearing about this, I’m not so sure anymore. Starting this month, TomTom will be releasing one downloadable Star Wars voice pack per month for their GPS devices, starting right now with Lord Vader’s voice. Each pack will be priced at $13… uh? What? […]
Hey look everyone! I just figured what steampunk was all about! :) [Via]
[Via Reddit]
Captured at 700 frames by second, the following video shows a bunch of people getting shot by what will probably go down in history as the most awesome and epic invention of the 21st century: a cupcake cannon. Enjoy! [Via BoingBoing]
Asking inappropriate questions, you are.
In fact, they’re so bad, that they can turn any average movie into an hilariously awesome experience. Part I Part II
Warning, after listening to this, you will have it stuck in your head for the rest of the day! [Via Geekologie]
Hey boys and girls! For those of you with Trekkie significant others, here’s something you can consider adding to their lunchboxes for quite a lunchtime surprise: The USS Meaterprise! The USS Meaterprise: To boldly go where no meat has gone before. Er… that sounded kind of… wrong… somehow… [Via Walyou]
A few days ago, Redditor Tax_Ninja submitted this picture to Reddit along with this note: My kid designed his own scientist costume for career day (including the “to do list”). I feel like I’ve succeeded as a parent. All we can say is: Indeed! Good job Tax_Ninja! [Via Reddit]