What Your Email Address Says About You…
[Source: The 0atmeal]
[Source: The 0atmeal]
In the following clip, Mythbusters host Adam Savage explains how the Discovery Channel rejected one of the myths his team wanted to bust after looking at the somehow gruesome but hilarious footage they had recorded for the show. Check it out. [Via]
If you have to listen to only one of the sound effects this guy reproduces, you have to hear the gelatinous cube at 1:36. Best gelatinous cube impersonation EVER! [Via Topless Robot]
Remember that awesome Chrome speed tests commercial we posted a few weeks back? Well, after seeing this, the folks at Opera wanted to respond to the ad by running their own browser speed test and putting it on film. Here’s the result: [Via Gizmodo]
Geek=3 Bad Guys =0 [via TDW]
The most cute and hilarious thing I’ve seen this week: Thanks for the good laugh David! [Via TwitPic]
A rich and brilliant baby… just created the ultimate weapon!
If you’ve ever wondered why movies and books such as Twilight are so popular, the following clip should enlighten you: …and here’s how each new Twilight movie is tested before being released to the public:
[Via TDW]
Apparently, the new feature will reduce Google phone users’ cell phone costs while providing them with unobtrusive, personalized “whispered” ads. Hit the play button for the full video report form our friends at the Onion News Network. Please note that ANYTHING coming from the ONN should NEVER be taken seriously! ;)