Apple: We’re Not Wrong, You Are [PIC]
Did you know that Apple now offers an in-store surgical procedure to help you use your new iPhone 4G without the inconvenience caused by the device’s antenna problem. Behold: [Via]
Did you know that Apple now offers an in-store surgical procedure to help you use your new iPhone 4G without the inconvenience caused by the device’s antenna problem. Behold: [Via]
[Via Reddit]
This one is for all you cat-loving geeks and gamers out there. The first video takes something we’ve all seen, a fight between two cats, and adds the music from Street Fighter on top. Be on the lookout for Guile’s signature move! The second video shows a TF II mod which includes Laser cat as […]
A sign found by Flickr user Justin DM while walking around the Electric Avenue pavillon of the Museum Quarter in Vienna, Austria. Looks like Big Brother actually has a sense of humor over there! [Via Neatorama]
[Via BuzzFeed]
We’re pretty sure most of you have played rock paper scissors at least once in your lives, and maybe a few have even tried rock paper scissors lizard spock, but what about monkey pirate robot ninja zombie? Here’s how the game goes: Monkey * Monkey fools Ninja * Monkey unplugs Robot Suggested noise: ee-ee-eek! Robot […]
So you’ve seen the Circle of No Life, which may apply to a few of you, but for us professional bloggers, the circle is a little different. Check it out: For a few people, the items on the circle may be positioned a little differently, and there may even be one or two things missing, […]
Yep, looks about right to me… unless you’re a Mac user, of course! ;) [Via Geekologie]
See what AT-ATs do when they’re not being used to battle the Rebellion! Animation by Patrick Boivin, who brought us Iron Baby and the Mandalorian Dance. [via reddit]
Sure, everyone who visits the Pisa Tower likes to have a picture taken of themselves while pretending holding the landmark, but in a few decades, doing so will be so passé. Here’s a vision of what tourists will probably do in the next century to bring attention to themselves. [Via]