Get Out of There Supercut [Video]
How many time will I have to tell you, GET OUT OF THERE! :) [Via Neatorama]
How many time will I have to tell you, GET OUT OF THERE! :) [Via Neatorama]
Conan O’Brien may have been “legally prohibited from being funny on television,” but thanks to TBS he’ll be back on the air very soon. In the following video, Conan and Andy Richter stop by Google’s Mountain View, CA headquarters for a morning of hilarity. This event took place on May 5, 2010.
Fake Science is a funny, tongue in cheek approach to all topics and branches of science. [Fake Science | Via Neatorama]
Much to my chagrin, I missed the boat for the epic ABC’s television series Lost, and couldn’t understand the few pieces of the episodes I’d seen here and there. I felt like I was watching a Cricket Match with no clue of what was going on or why. Fortunately, My roommate pointed me to the […]
We’re posting this as a friendly warning to all you Apple hipsters out there. Here’s what might happen to you in a few years if you stay on track with your unholy ways. [Via]
These 10-year-old-like Jedi wannabes sure are on their way to the dark side, there’s no denying to it.
You may have heard that someone thinks Stephen Baldwin has been given such a raw deal that he deserves his own personal charity: Restore Stephen Baldwin (which, apparently, is entirely serious, though Baldwin himself had nothing to do with setting it up). Of course, as all science fiction geeks know, if there’s anyone who’s been […]
A couple using the Death Star trench run scene from Episode IV to announce that they’ve got twins on the way? Now that’s what I call awesome. [Via Buzzfeed]
This one is for all the Microsoft fanboys and girls out there. Enjoy!
Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI, as told in a little over two minutes by a kid with one of a heck of a LEGO collection. [Via MissC]