Old Spice Voicemail: “I’m On a Phone.”

I love it when the Internet makes stuff happen. Thanks to reddit, there’s now a voicemail generator at oldspicevoicemail.com. Whether you’re “ripping out mass loads of weights” or “on Reddit,” there’s a personalized message for you. Note that though as of this writing the voicemail is appropriate for a guy’s phone, there should soon be […]

Geeky Twists on Classic Games

While standing around and waiting at the happiest place on earth with really long lines, our group eventually got tired of playing  “what’s that smell”, had already decided which 3  books we’d take to a desert island, (Starship Troopers, Lamb: the gospel according to Biff Christ’s childhood best friend, and The Hobbit) , and had […]

The Guild Season 4 Starts With a… Bang

It’s time for a new season of The Guild, the MMORPG-based web series spearheaded by geek favorite Felicia Day. The first episode, “Epic Guilt”, premiered last night at midnight PST. You might remember that last season featured Wil Wheaton as the leader of a rival guild, and it looks like that character is definitely sticking […]

Hilarious: Double Rainbow Dude Gets Auto-Tuned

Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere (or that you just don’t care about these kinds of things), you’ve probably heard about the double rainbow guy in the past week. In case you missed it, here’s the video: Now after seeing this, the people behind “Auto-Tune the News” got the brilliant idea of making […]