Lazy or Awesome? [PIC]
[Via BuzzFeed]
[Via BuzzFeed]
We’re pretty sure most of you have played rock paper scissors at least once in your lives, and maybe a few have even tried rock paper scissors lizard spock, but what about monkey pirate robot ninja zombie? Here’s how the game goes: Monkey * Monkey fools Ninja * Monkey unplugs Robot Suggested noise: ee-ee-eek! Robot […]
So you’ve seen the Circle of No Life, which may apply to a few of you, but for us professional bloggers, the circle is a little different. Check it out: For a few people, the items on the circle may be positioned a little differently, and there may even be one or two things missing, […]
Yep, looks about right to me… unless you’re a Mac user, of course! ;) [Via Geekologie]
See what AT-ATs do when they’re not being used to battle the Rebellion! Animation by Patrick Boivin, who brought us Iron Baby and the Mandalorian Dance. [via reddit]
Sure, everyone who visits the Pisa Tower likes to have a picture taken of themselves while pretending holding the landmark, but in a few decades, doing so will be so passé. Here’s a vision of what tourists will probably do in the next century to bring attention to themselves. [Via]
You’ve probably heard about the iPhone 4 antenna problem by now, right? Well after thinking about it for several minutes, we figured there was only one way someone could hold the new iPhone without it suffering from signal strength degradation. Behold: What? This, shopped? Of course not! This picture is completely genuine! I find your […]
If you work as an IT support specialist, you may consider having a similar card made for yourself, so that the next time a client calls in for support, you just tell them to look at your card. Brilliant! Other awesome (and not so awesome) business cards here and here.
Programmers, behold: this is just for you guys and will leave you rolling on the floor laughing. Enjoy! “One of the most compelling dramas of our time…” -The Java Posse “Truly gripping…” -Wired “…a masterpiece!” -James Gosling [Via Reddit]
[Via Neatorama | Source: Sheldon Comics]