Shoot Nickelback with Mega Man Beams!
A little something to wake you up this morning: Shoot Nickelback with laserbeams! Shoot Nickelback with Mega Man beams!
A little something to wake you up this morning: Shoot Nickelback with laserbeams! Shoot Nickelback with Mega Man beams!
Two condoms are used (one inside the other) to create the bag for this bagpipe. The chanter and drone are aluminium tubes with a membrane reed at the top of each. [Via Buzzfeed]
Who said being in a wheelchair meant that you couldn’t have an awesomely epic costume for Halloween? [Via Neatorama]
When one hears the word geek, images are conjured of pocket protectors and nightstands made out of old comic books. That old notion of geek-dom has since evolved into a new, tech-savy, and dare we say, cool geek.
Yes geeks, this is the droid you were all looking for: Darkside swimsuit right after the jump:
Thanks Richard!
Just when you thought that that sorry Japanese excuse for a Pizza was the worst pizza of all time, these guys come along to prove us wrong. Behold: Ronald McDonald, Wendy, A&W bear, Taco Bell Dog and Colonel Sanders have a wild orgy covered in tomato sauce on some dough under cheese. This pizza is […]