The Legend of Zelda – Real Life Edition
[Via Technabob]
[Via Technabob]
Can you list all the movies mentioned on this shirt? [Get it @ Threadless]
This monstrosity weighs three pounds and has 4,000 calories of gummy goodness. It might be just the thing you need to get people talking at that next Halloween party of yours. You can get it here for just $27.95. [Worlds Largest Gummy Worm]
What’s better than seeing MC Hammer himself dance to the tune of “Can’t Touch This?” Why, see Lord Vader doing it of course! For those wondering where this took place, it was during the Star Wars Weekends at the Hollywood Studios theme park in Disney World. The Star Wars Weekends usually take place on the […]
What about you? [Via Imgur]
Do you need to tone your legs while you lumber? Or maybe keep your brains cool? Or get the blood stains out of your clothes? Apparently zombie shoppers are welcome… at Sears. If you had asked me “Which major retailer is going to make a major push toward hitting the undead demographic”, I am pretty […]
In the world of action figures, you can’t get much more exciting than this awesome 2001: A Space Odyssey Monolith, unless you’re talking about a Han Solo in carbonite piece, of course! [Via]
Even though I don’t particularly like Fox as a corporate entity, I have to admit that this clip from FOX 4 KDFW poking fun at the use of social media during news reports made me chuckle. Check it out: [Via TDW]
A little something to wake you up this morning: Shoot Nickelback with laserbeams! Shoot Nickelback with Mega Man beams!