What a Television is For [Graph]
Who needs to attend those ridiculous Apple brainwashing sessions when you can watch them all online in a much funnier and abbreviated format. Enjoy! [Via TechCrunch]
[Via Imgur]
[Via Reddit]
Mario’s been a hero for a long time. He’s been a jerk even longer. [Via]
Watch what unfolds as C-3PO and R2-D2 land on earth and decide to break in an electronics store.
[Via Reddit]
Edit: Just got an email from someone saying it was irresponsible of us to post this here, so for all you people with no brains: DON’T DO THIS AT HOME. Mercury is highly poisonous! [Via Fake Science]
Is there such a thing as privacy on the Internet? Let’s visualize the concept with a simple venn diagram. Hmmm, nope. No privacy online. Sorry folks. [Via Flickr (CC)]
Bossk Loves Gorn: From [GaS] friend and professional cartoonist Mark Anderson. They met at Best Buy, both reaching for the same copy of Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla II. Claws touched, eyes met, and they knew that even though they were from separate universes, their love would not be denied. [Via Andertoons]