Black Friday [Comic]
Notice how I avoided writing “PC” in the headline so that all you trolls can’t remind me that a Mac is in fact a PC. Now let the flame war begin!
Linux is like a tipi: no gates, no windows, apache inside. [Via MUO]
[Via | Source]
Followed closely by: [Source: 1, 2]
I don’t know about you, but the geek inside me screams at the injustice behind the outcome of this battle. WTF Indeed. [Via Nerdbastards]
For those of you who don’t get it, please enlighten yourself and read this. [Source: NFC]
Our friends from Epic Meal Time are back with another crazy recipe, and this one should be just perfect for the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration! Behold the TurBaconEpic: A bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig. Can you believe that this thing amounts for 79,046 calories and […]
For those Huskateers out there, StarCraft 2 shout caster Husky Starcraft celebrates his 300,000’th subscription with this awesome collaboration with Kurt Hugo Schneider. Enjoy!