TMNT Argue Over Pizza [Video]
[Via Dorkly]
[Via Dorkly]
Yeah, I know, this is a very sorry excuse for a post, but what the heck, who here doesn’t love dogs AND Harry Potter? Hit the jump for the rest of the pictures.
Hmmm, I wonder if this toilet casts a Deprimo on your behind when you sit down on it. Wouldn’t that be awesome? It would be the magical equivalent of using a bidet. :) [Via]
Quick, everybody check this awesome kinetic typography animation featuring Jonathan Coulton’s Shop Vac song before it gets taken down for trademark abuse! [Via Reddit]
Did you know that you can turn the Google Translate tool into a beatbox machine? Here’s how to do it: 1- Go to Google Translate 2- Set the translator to translate from German to German 3- Copy and paste this string in the text to be translated box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk […]
Every year it seems like the lights come out earlier. Returning from Thanksgiving festivities here in the US, we noticed that half of our street was illuminated wheras just days before had been absolutely typical. Bows and lights and garlands are just the beginning though; some people take their decorations way seriously. It’s not just […]
Hmmm… something seems not quite right with that C3P0 tape dispenser, but somehow, I can’t put my finger on it… [Via]
I’m a bit surprised World of Warcraft didn’t end up on there instead…. but I guess this is still appropriate! [Via Amazon]