Hilarious: Death Star Escalator [Video]
Don’t you just love these Star Wars-themed Robot Chicken episodes? Apparently, the latest one, which aired a little earlier this week, is as hilarious as the first. Enjoy!
Don’t you just love these Star Wars-themed Robot Chicken episodes? Apparently, the latest one, which aired a little earlier this week, is as hilarious as the first. Enjoy!
Instead of buying adult diapers on Amazon.com, hardcore CoD gamers can now play non stop all day without being interupted by the call of nature, thanks to this conveniently built restroom. [Via Dorkly]
It’s that time of year! Holiday baking means small armies of gingerbread men, not to mention the delicious houses they live in. But clearly some gingerbready culinary concoctions are geekier than others, and here’s a few you can try to replicate if you’re feeling particularly creative (and hungry)… Night of the Living Bread – v1ctory_1s_m1ne […]
WikiLeaks is at it again. No playground is safe this Christmas.
[Source: Foxtrot | Via Reddit]
Thanks Jessica!
The perfect way to get yourself into the holiday spirit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaSkRbbBBUg [Via Geeks of Doom]
Can’t afford an Apple laptop? No problems, here’s how to easily emulate one: Thanks Michel!