Stormtrooper in Detention [Pic]
First offence, detention, then if you fail again, you get your neck crushed by Vader. [Via assorted-goodness]
First offence, detention, then if you fail again, you get your neck crushed by Vader. [Via assorted-goodness]
For those of you who grew up at least in part in the eighties, you know that it wasn’t all about Molly Ringwald and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Though not all cinematic masterpieces, there were a lot of really fun movies that glorified the geeks of the day. Here are a few you could pick up for […]
There’s a new version of that cream out now, but I heard this one is still pretty good! [Via]
There’s a new technology being tested on TNG’s Starship Enterprise: The Acid Drive!
By Derek Clark Contributing Writer [GAS] Imagine you’re a young go-getter scientist trying to finish your Ph.D. in geology when you find yourself alone in the lab on a Friday night. After you’ve posted all your Mohs hardness penis jokes on Twitter and checked your ‘Geologists Are Sexy’ blog for comments, you get bored and […]
[Source: The Escapist]
Warning: Video contains explicit language. Two young hobbits have discovered some boiling urges. [Via]
Fascinating indeed, Mr. Spock!
[Via Landa Calrissian]