An Update is Available For Your Computer [Comic]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is apparently the trailer for an upcoming full-length movie, which will star Antoine Dodson (Bed Intruder Song), Bear Vasquez (Double Rainbow), Ben Schulz (Leeroy Jenkins), Brian Collins (Boom Goes The Dynamite), Stephen & Jack Quire (Freakout Kid and Brother), and Gary Brolsma (The Numa Numa guy). The world is coming to […]
Ain’t nobody perfect, but as far as zombie love songs go, this one might be. Anyone else catch a Gym Class Heroes vibe from this? It’s just so catchy.
[Via Dorkly]
Fun, delicious, and awesome. Best. Idea. Ever! It’s become a family tradition that I make increasingly ridiculous birthday cakes for my kids each year. So with my little boy Ben turning 6-years-old over the weekend, and appreciating his love of Angry Birds, I thought I’d have a shot a making him a playable Angry Birds […]
An awesome new animation by Animator and Youtube superstar Patrick Boivin. Also by Patrick Boivin: At-At Day Afternoon Boba Fett does FlashDance Iron Baby
Ok, I know there’s absolutely nothing geeky about that commercial, but darn, it’s probably the best ad I’ve seen in a long, long time.
Thanks Stephen!
[Via imgur]