The Likability Of Angry Birds
[Source: The Oatmeal | Via Buzzfeed]
[Source: The Oatmeal | Via Buzzfeed]
I find your lack of breath… disturbing. [Source]
First, there was Conan the Barbarian, and then Total Recall. Now, Youtube user Legolambs has turned Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 classic into a full blown musical. Enjoy! [Via]
This is made of all kinds of awesome and win! Don’t you guys just LOVE the Internet? :)
[Via Neatorama]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is apparently the trailer for an upcoming full-length movie, which will star Antoine Dodson (Bed Intruder Song), Bear Vasquez (Double Rainbow), Ben Schulz (Leeroy Jenkins), Brian Collins (Boom Goes The Dynamite), Stephen & Jack Quire (Freakout Kid and Brother), and Gary Brolsma (The Numa Numa guy). The world is coming to […]
Ain’t nobody perfect, but as far as zombie love songs go, this one might be. Anyone else catch a Gym Class Heroes vibe from this? It’s just so catchy.
[Via Dorkly]