Awesome T-Shirt: Schrodinger’s Cat
Another awesome t-shirt by our pals at Oh, and speaking of t-shirts, have you guys ever checked out our Geeks are Sexy-branded shirts? :) [Schrodinger’s Cat T-Shirt @]
Another awesome t-shirt by our pals at Oh, and speaking of t-shirts, have you guys ever checked out our Geeks are Sexy-branded shirts? :) [Schrodinger’s Cat T-Shirt @]
Here’s a little something that should make all you geekettes following us scream in envy. Hey, it’s just like a D&D bag of holding, except it looks way cooler! ;) [Via Buzzfeed]
This is just perfect for a Saturday morning! (or afternoon, or evening, depending on the time zone you’re in…) [Source | Via TDW]
So geeks, what window should YOU bring to the front!!?? [Source]
There are days when I have to physically remove myself from the Internet, and thanks to Pictures for Sad Children, I know I’m not the only one.
I’ve always thought that my cat was plotting my demise, now I know that he just lacks the opposable thumbs to make his evil dreams come true.
By Phil Haney Guest Blogger There have been many battles throughout the world that have turned the tides of history. The Battle of Gettysburg, The Battle of Little Big Horn and the Battle of Charlie Sheen, just to name a few. However none of these battles has had an impact on the future of mankind […]
Don’t touch the forcefield, or it’ll destructunate your hand!