Will You Watch This Cutscene? [Flowchart]
Too bad the old NES didn’t support these kinds of sound effects because playing Super Mario Bros. would have been oh so much more entertaining!
[Source | Via]
This 8-bit serving of Karma created by Aled Lewis brings a smile to my face when I think about how many time that dog’s devious chuckle rubbed salt in my Duck Hunting wounds.
Definitely one of the most brilliant parody CollegeHumor has ever produced. [Source]
Planned for release on April 1st, James Gunn’s Super tells the story of Rainn Wilson, an average, run of the mill, everyday guy, who starts fighting crime in an attempt to win his wife back (Liv Tyler) from a drug dealer (Kevin Bacon). Check it out: Face the wrath of the Crimson Bolt! [Super @ […]
*SPLAT* Hmmm I only one problem with that tattoo: Isn’t that vase supposed to be a bowl? [Via TDW]
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