Back Ups and Computer Challenged Users [Comic]
[Via Reddit]
[Via Reddit]
Believe it or not, vFx superstar Freddiew has recently ran into an alien, and was surprisingly able to film the whole encounter from a third-person perspective! No special effects software was used in the making of this video. None at all.
[Via Imgur]
What has been seen can never be unseen! [Via Buzzfeed]
Zombies! Ruuuuuuuuun!!! [Source: Powerpig]
A few weeks ago, we’ve presented you the first episode of College Humor’s new hilarious Sci-Fi web series, Troopers. Now, CH has released three new episodes to the series, and they are all as hilarious as the first one. Check ’em out! Mind Trick Coffee Run Interrogation
Everybody’s favorite little robot is in trouble! Another awesome t-shirt design from our pals @ Splitreason. [Get it @]
The guys at How It Should Have Ended are back, and this time, they show us how District 9 should really have ended. Enjoy! [Via Nerd Bastards]
Holy crap! That has to be a hoax, right? It just can’t be possible!
Edit: Ok, ok, I botched things up. Now you can all stop complaining, I fixed the title. ;) [Source: Digital Unrest Comic]