Awesome Shirt: Not Evil, Just Hungry! [Pic]
An awesome shirt for all you Android fans out there! Not evil, just hungry, and a little more open. [Get yours @ – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
An awesome shirt for all you Android fans out there! Not evil, just hungry, and a little more open. [Get yours @ – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
Problem, Mom? Unfortunately, back in the days when I was in this situation, laptops didn’t exist, and bringing a 75-pound TV outside along with my NES or VIC-20 was just not an option. [Via 9gag]
Hey everyone, look! It’s Ham Solo… as played by a Canadian version of Kevin Bacon! Yeah, yeah, I know, this is a horrid joke :) [Via]
In the following video, George Takei, best known for his role as Sulu in the original Star Trek, auditions for the role of Spiderman in the upcoming Broadway show: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. You go George! [Via]
For those who don’t get the reference, check this clip out:
If you love shows like The Colbert Report and love kids (who doesn’t love kids?!) you’re gonna love Fresh Perspectives!
Yep, that about sums it up! [Source: Shoeboxblog]
For all you geeks out there who think they can’t dance, Youtube user ViHart came up with a dance that everybody can do and enjoy: The binary hand dance! [Via Neatorama]
This DIY low budget Cyclops visor comes from the same dude who came up with the DIY Magneto Helmet we’ve posted a few days ago. [Source]
Yep folks, Arnold Schwarzenegger is back, and this time, he’s Stan Lee’s newest superhero! Check it out: [Via EW]