Email: 10 Years Ago vs. Now [Comic]
This, dear geeks, is a knitted knitting octopus. That is all. [Source: Max Alexander | Via Laughing Squid]
Actor David Thewlis used footage from various scenes from the Harry Potter saga and re-cut them into a brilliant new trailer for a re-imagined version of the series. Check it out: [Source: thewlisrox]
Sling stance! [Via TheMarySue]
If you’re casting a movie about geeks, make sure you cast some geeks. It’s a good rule to follow, and clearly one IndieVest Pictures took to heart when assembling players for their LARPcentric new feature film, Knights of Badassdom. If a movie about live-action role playing, magic and plenty of that substandard female armor–starring actors […]
I haven’t said this in years, but you should really be paying attention to MySpace. [Beatriz Torres aka Zirta via @GuyKawasaki]
He’s looking for unlikely heroes. Maybe a little too hard. [Via TechEblog]
Jon Favreau recently got in contact with FreddieW and his team and gave them resources and full creative freedom to make a video about Cowboys and Aliens. This is they came up with: [Youtube]
Whatever you do, don’t. [Source]