How People in Science See Each Other [Pic]
Czech PhD student Matus Sotak (@biomatushiq) created this succinct (and darned accurate) grid explaining how people in science see each other in graphical form:
Czech PhD student Matus Sotak (@biomatushiq) created this succinct (and darned accurate) grid explaining how people in science see each other in graphical form:
Behind every great woman there’s an awful man trying to get her in a bikini. [Source: Dorkly]
Fully customizable; pieces sold separately. (Not currently available in white.) [cubiclebot]
The Google+ Song by Break is a social media-centric version of “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen. And not bad at all. +1 [via]
Portal 2 fan TRP-Chan made this geektastic “life-size” Wheatley puppet to carry around when cosplaying as Chell. And thanks to the instruction provided here, you can even make your own! [Via TDWG]
CollegeHumor takes a funny look at some of the reasons why religious people are nerds. Check it out! [Source]
[Source | Via]
In case of emergency call 0118 999 881 999 119 725… 3 [Via Imgur]
[Via TDWG]