The Astronaut’s Guide to Life in Space [Video] NPR requested from NASA this 1980s-era video with commentary by astronauts of various missions. The footage, which we edited, arrived on VHS. We don’t know much about it, except that it’s playful in tone, so we decided to have some fun with it, too. Here’s an “instructional video” on survival in space, in case […]

Surprisingly Useful Photoshop Rap Tutorials [Videos]

CollegeHumor’s CMYKilla is back with a new (surprisingly useful) Photoshop tutorial rap. In case you missed it, here’s the original, which instructs in red-eye removal, drop shadow and unicorn magicking with near-Shakespearean prose (warning: some Strong language): And part two, which shows us how to ‘shop a wicked-sweet space cat (content warning: memes): [CollegeHumor via […]