Star Fox is Down [Pic]
[Via OW]
[Via OW]
It seems everyone wants to draw characters from various pop culture shows as hipsters these days, and now, thanks to Deviantart user Rotae, some of the characters from Hogwarts got the “hipster” treatment. Check it out: [Via Neatorama]
Now you know. [Via Topless Robot]
[Via Buzzfeed]
[Via Dorkly]
Most of our stories at GeeksAreSexy concentrate on technology, but we also touch on science. And today we have a tale that involves biology, chemistry and physics. The biology involves a Swedish elk. That’s an animal that, while known as an elk in Europe, is called a moose in North America. The animal’s species name […]
I wonder how George C. Scott would have reacted to this one! Oh, and for those who might think this is real, no, it’s not. ;) Thanks George! [Source: Imgur]
FreddieW is back with a new video, and this time, he shows us how his mornings usually go. How many gaming references can you spot? [FreddieW]
Nooooooooooooooo! It’s the new Wilhelm scream! Thanks Christian! [Source: CineWeekly]
[Source: XKCD | Via CB]