Batman Eats a Hot Dog + Batdog Eats a Hot Man [Video]
Ok, that’s it… now I’m hungry. [Via Dorkly]
Ok, that’s it… now I’m hungry. [Via Dorkly]
This robotic destruction machine decided that getting sloshed would be preferable to his usual battle cry of extermination. [Get it @ – 15% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
[Source: Doghouse Diaries]
Everyone here is a little bit in love with Jenny Lorenzo, host of Aggressive Comix’s Geekgasm and probable future geek all-star. Geekgasm is relatively new, with just 4 episodes out (all of which are hilarious). We find them under-viewed, though, and hopefully sharing them here will rectify that situation, like, STAT. This is the most […]
[Source: ShoeBoxBlog]
Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over at Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get your daily Twags!
Star Wars + Kittens = WIN! [Via G.TDW]
A little something to cheer you up for this evening, or whatever time of the day it is at your place! ;) [Via BAG]
Yep, looks about right to me! [Via]