Aperture: A Triumph of Science [Video]
“Aperture: A Triumph of Science” is a documentary exploring the genius of great minds at Aperture Laboratories just before the proud debut of their Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. [Youtube]
“Aperture: A Triumph of Science” is a documentary exploring the genius of great minds at Aperture Laboratories just before the proud debut of their Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. [Youtube]
[Source: DuelingAnalogs]
[Source: ShoeBoxBlog]
Shredder! You bungling idiot! [Via Geekologie]
Check out this awesome 8-bit-style animation by the folks at Punga, an animation studio based in Buenos Aires. [Via G.TDW]
William Shatner singing Iron Man. Just sayin’. [Youtube]
Speaking of Terra Nova, Has anyone watched the first episode this week? Was it any good? [Source: Hijinks Ensue]
Retouching what you couldn’t touch. [Source: CH]